Friday, February 15, 2013

Human Hot Pocket

I have been slacking in the reading department. But my increased gym time is allowing me time to catch up a bit.

While reading the Survival Edition of Backpacker I came across one of my greatest fears; the possibility of becoming a human hot pocket. For years I have thanked the powers that be every time I wake up in the morning in my sleeping bag intact.

I am talking about a situation like this: you are sleeping in the deepest slumber, fresh air is filling your lungs, the stress of the workweek drifts out your tent vents in a gentle night breeze. All of the sudden you snap out of your dreamworld to a musky smell and some grunting. This is a situation that I call the human hot pocket because that is essentially what become to a hungry bear looking to fix his midnight case of the munchies.

According to Backpacker, in the event that this happens to you you should thrash around to alert your camping partners and start fighting back... good luck.

Make sure your smelly stuff is in proper storage containers, watch for scat and if you are really afraid, put some raw meat in your friend's tent just in case... unless it's my tent.


(This is not a bear, but it has the potential to be equally terrifying)

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