Sunday, December 23, 2012

Olympus Stylus Tough Takes the Plunge

Two years ago I bought the Olympus Stylus Tough 8010 because I wanted a camera that could handle not being treated nicely. After getting it my natural instincts kicked in and I babied it like I do all of my electronics. Though it had the capability to go in the water I never took the chance; I dreamed about it and often came to the edge of putting it in the water.

However, today I just did it. I manned up and took the first underwater shots with it. Check them out.

They are a bit fuzzy because there were so many particles in the water. Still they are pretty cool.


Note: the image quality is not a true representation of the camera's ability, there was a lot of silt and sediment in the water.

Check out the newest version:


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