Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Upcoming Reviews

Well, things have gotten very busy for me lately. I am a year from being done with law school and it feels pretty good. I am also full-swing in and internship with a local lawyer. It is taking time away from studies and being outside but I am trying my hardest to strike a proper balance. By looking at the activity on the blog it may not look like I am getting much time outdoors this summer that is totally wrong. In fact I just don't have the time to write. I have mostly been riding my bike as the hiking in this area is very bland (I attribute that to the fact that there is no real water around here).

Never fear, with fall and the fall semester coming up I will be able to write more and also get outside without sweating to death. A report released today said that July was the hottest month on record in the states, especially the Midwest. Noting saps being outside like sweltering temps.

Anywho, finals are upon me. That means that my computer time is nil for the next week. I would however, like to leave readers with a bit of an appetizer: reviews. My first and foremost goal after exams is to get some reviews out. Nothing brings people to an outdoor site like reviews, and I love helping people make key decisions with gear.

With that here are a few of the reviews to come:

Camelbak's Adventura (I know it is a women's bag)

Gerber: Gator Pro Machete

Detroit Rock Climbing: Onomonopia Hold Set


Time to get back to studying.


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