Monday, October 3, 2011

A late birthday gift

I am still on this goal to do some indoor bouldering and rockwalling. However, I would like to show up to the gym and be in shape for the rigors of climbing. This means strengthening my fingers, forearms and back with various pull-up combinations.

Enter the use of rock rings! I have played around on these nifty things at MooseJaw a few times and I think that they will do the trick!

I would really like to have one of the 3D training boards, but you have to have a good spot to put that up, and something tells me that the landlord would not like be mounting that in the wall!

Well, here they are: 

Ordered them from MooseJaw on Friday. 

PS, those people at MooseJaw are super handy and friendly. A great company with loads of character! Not a big box store with bland faces.

Have a great day.

I will let you know how these things work when they get in!


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