Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hot weather is great and all but...

I am done with it. I would much rather hike with the sound of crisp leaves underfoot and the faint wisp of wood smoke in the air that to constantly clomp through soggy humid trails with the thick smell of vehicle exhaust lingering for what seems like ever.

Michigan's Summer month's have two distinct characteristics: they are intense, but short-lived. While in recent years the warm weather has persisted until late September, the nighttime temps still dip to a tolerable range.

Everyone says that they love Summer, however you cannot deny that you equally love seeing that first turned leaf, or the first time you put on a jacket and actually need it, and how about those chilly rainy Sundays that seem to go for days; you cannot help but curl up, grab a book or movie and just enjoy those days.

I have been thinking of cooler times lately as I feel that they bring out the true scholar in me. Maybe it is just that I am programmed to associate school with the Fall, and thus my internal workings can feel the need to absorb knowledge that is coming around the corner. Lets hope that I can harness this scholarly feeling earlier than usual this year as I am now engaged in a year-round program.

Despite not enjoying this heavy weather, I am making the most of it; I am studying outside, leaving the windows open, smelling the fresh-cut grass, taking walks with Chelsea Marie, and enjoying seeing the exponential growth of my beloved plants. So the summer is not all bad :)

I will continue to look for the extraordinary in the everyday!

In other news the 2 mile challenge continues today; gonna rack up another 9 miles with my trip to school and back. If I am feeling ambitious I will also post a review of my new bike bag later on!

Chills me right out!

Stay cool friends.


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