Thursday, January 20, 2011

In the making from RSOC

Still working on a few new additions to the blog; don't want to show them 'til they are just right, and looking at plans for the summer. Along with all of the Law School reading I am managing to hack my way through The Living Great Lakes. Look for a review in a week or so.

But in other news; we have opened an account! This is an online community for artists to pedal their wares. I am very excited. We should have an inventory up, along with out official store URL, in a week or two.

Our site will have:
fly fishing flies
and many other fruits of our artistic outlets

Keep watching here for a posting with the info you need.!

In other news, the Osprey bag is on its way! I am very excited. New bag day is one of my favorites!

Still waiting on a pic 'o the day.

I am also in the market for guest writers with inspirational stories!

Please email me if you have knowledge of any upcoming events, races, if you know of any cool places or if you have any stories that you would like shared.

Happy Thursday!


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