Saturday, May 4, 2013

We must go West.

While on my way out west I flew over the Rockies. It was the first time that I have ever been out that way. I felt very small and insignificant. I think that in the near future I need to go see them in person.

I want to stand at the base of a real mountain and look up.

Freshly brined dirt roads

Got back from California and decided to go out for a nice 27 miler on the local dirt roads.

Met with Hunter on Friday and headed out. In spite of a nasty headwind that seemed to synch up with each of our turns it was a great way to jump back onto the fitness wagon.

Thanks Hunter for the companionship and the Washtenaw county road commission for brining the roads. Nice and smooth, just like I like it.



Last week we went to anaheim, the to long beach and we were shark and ray petters.

It was awesome.
